Wednesday, August 24, 2011


These days I am madly picking raspberries and saskatoons. We have had an amazing crop this year - and it's hard to keep up! I'm popping most of them into the freezer so we can enjoy them later in the year, and of course some find their way into a bowl right now! If I can find the time, I'll make some berry jam with them from a 30 year old recipe I use.

The other thing I am doing is working on several commissions. But before bedtime, I usually unwind with a book. The book "The Cookbook Collector" was recommended as a good read by Alyson B. Stanfield, so I got it from the library. I must say that it hooked me right from the start. I am passing it on to you as a novel you might like to read on these last warm days of summer vacation. (I LOVE the artwork on the cover!)

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