Saturday, March 21, 2009

14 types of Twitter Personalities - which one is you?

I am off to Saskatchewan for the weekend. My husband's dad has Parkinson's Disease, and is in a home, so we are going to visit him. I haven't been there for a while so I am sure I will see some decline - so sad! Hope the weather cooperates... it is 5.5 hours of driving each way.

For those of you who tweet, here is a site to check out the different types of personalities which have been "identified" on Twitter. The information is very interesting, and shows how different people do things with different purposes and intents. Do you find yourself in this article? Or are you personality type 15 - totally unique and not captured in this person's assessment?

Be sure to drop by on Monday for my next Watercolor Techniques and Tips. I will be talking about (actually teaching) information many do not know about all tubes of paint, whether oil, acrylic or watercolor... you won't want to miss this valuable info.

Have a good weekend!



Anonymous said...

Sending good thoughts to you and your family.


Unknown said...

Thanks, Paz. We had a pretty good visit with him, and arrived home safely after traveling on treacherous roads - black ice under drifting snow. More than a dozen vehicles in the ditches - ambulances, fire trucks, police all rushing to the scenes of accidents - it was pretty tense! Glad for better road conditions coming soon with warmer weather! Have a good week.