Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back Again!

original watercolor
22" x 30"

This is the most incredibly beautiful yet noxious weed on our acreage. Every year, we battle to keep this weed under control - but we always lose the war! Thistle propagates both by seed and by rhizome, and some pictures I have seen show the root system to be more than a foot thick in the ground!

The Buffalo Beans are out now - so that means no more hard frost. However, it does not mean no snow as we have found out. The last 3 days or more (I've lost track) have been snow in abundance. This evening the sun broke through the clouds and we all did a happy dance. We are supposed to return to more normal temperatures this week - but that does not help the plants that were in my green house which I lost - the 2nd time this season!

But the garden is planted, the commission of 8 paintings is completed, and tomorrow I can again begin on my own work! It has been way too long...

We have had a few health scares in my family over the last 2 weeks, so I have not had time to post. Now that things seem to have resolved, I am back again. Yeah!

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