Friday, December 28, 2007

Winter Wonderland

It only seems right that winter should show off during the holidays...and so she is! Snow and moderately cold temperatures keep us seeking hot chocolate and cookies when we come back in the house. A porcupine up in a willow bush, eating the bark, made for some exciting moments for us all...hard to get a decent picture though.  It was late in the day, and light was fading fast, but I was able to get a few shots of him. Here you can see the quills and one of his  cute little eyes.

I am in between groups of company right now. My son and family left last night to return to their home about an hour away, and my son-in-law's family comes tomorrow.  Laundry, groceries and all the everyday things are needing to be done, yet the easel calls out to me. I can hardly wait to get back to it in about a week's time. In the meantime, I wish you all a Happy New Year!


Jean Victory said...

Thanks for your kind words of encouragement while visiting my blog. You look as though you're just as frozen up north as we are here in Maine. I really love your work and I hope you will keep in touch. I really like the pears that you've included in your slide show. I just posted a pear painting a few minutes ago. I've had a fascination with them lately.

Todd Bonita said...

Thanks for the kind words about my painting. It's always nice to hear, particularly coming from an artist with your talent. It makes me feel like I'm in the club. I'll be checking back.

All my best to you,

kim shields said...

Joanne, I can't decide which I like better, your photos or your watercolors. Do you have a background in photography? Your photos stir some emotions within. My favorite watercolor is Sunflower. Keep up the good work on both!