Thursday, November 25, 2010


wild turkeys on Gabriola Island

I don't know why, but the islands we have visited on the Gulf Coast all seem to have their own flocks of wild turkeys. When we were exploring on Gabriola Island, we drove into the village area, and stopped when we saw this flock of wild turkeys on the side of the road.

When I got out of the car to take their picture, they slowly got together and crossed the street while the cars traveling on the road stopped and waited for them to safely make it to the other side. They are large birds. even in the wild. They are really beautiful in their colors and markings too.

I want to wish my American friends a Happy Thanksgiving. I love that I can mark the beginning of the holiday season by your Thanksgiving! It truly is a time to reflect and recognize how much we have been blessed with, and to think of how we can bless others - both those who are our friends and family, and those in the world who have so little and need us to help them.

I hope you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

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