Monday, August 15, 2011


Keirah and Benjamin
original pencil portrait
9" x 12"

We have the most wonderful neighbours you could wish for! We have lived beside them for many years now, and they are always there when you need them. They have 4 girls,  who, as they have grown up through the years have animal-sat for us countless times when we went on trips. One of the girls was even my housecleaner for a while - and she did a quick and amazing job for me!
The mom, Cindy, has just had her 50th birthday, and we were able to attend the celebration. In thinking of what would be a meaningful gift for her, rather than a gag gift, I decided a portrait of her two grandchildren (her ONLY grandchildren) might be a treasure for her in years to come. So, I contacted her daughter, and asked for a high resolution of the children together. She sent me 3 photos, and I chose to do this one.
The children are both EXTREMELY fair - I mean we are talking about alabaster skin and white hair (where there is hair, that is). So, this was a good challenge for me to see if I could represent them without color to indicate their fairness- only graphite on paper. I am really pleased with the results - and hope Cindy is as well. They have just remodeled some of their house, so they will be choosing matting and framing for the piece. I wonder where she will hang this?
If you are interested in a pencil portrait for yourself or someone else, please contact me:  You will love the instant joy which spreads across the face of the person who receives such a unique and enduring gift!

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